Our Services
General Family Practice / Acne / Hair loss / Weight Management/ Impotence / Pap Smear/ Contraception / Smoking Cessation / Emergency Contraception
Chronic Disease Management: Diabetes Mellitus/Hypertension/Weight Management/Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing and Management.
Check Ups and Permits. Employment/Work Permit Check Up/ Employment Pass Check up / Social Visit Pass Check up/ Domestic Worker Check Up/ Foreign Worker Check Up/ Drivers Licence/ Outward Bound Course/ Premarital Check Ups
Designated Factory Doctor / Statutory Medical Examination under Ministry of Labour/ Hearing Exposure Examination/ Arsenic Check Up/ Radiation Badge Check Up/ Sea Motor Craft check up/ Crane Operator Check up/ Polytechnic Check Up
Anonymous HIV Screening
Travel Medicine/ Travel Vaccination
Vaccinations/ Mecca/Haj Vaccination/ Meningitis vaccination/ Influenza Vaccination/ Hepatitis A and B Vaccination/ Chickenpox Vaccination/ /Childhood Vaccinations/Mumps Measles and Rubella Vaccination/Childhood Vaccinations
Minor Surgery/ Excision of Sebaceous Cysts and Lipomas/ Stitching of Wounds/ Glue Stitching of Wounds/ Circumcision/Excision of Ingrown Toenail/ Intralesional Injection of Keloids/ Ear Flushing/ Urine Catheterisation and Removal/ Fish bone removal/ Removal of Foreign Body of Eye/ Ear Flush/ Ear Wax Flushing/ Knee Joint Injection/ Foreign Body Removal/ Nail Avulsion
Prenatal Ultrasound and Early Pregnancy Management